The interesting aspect of most assets or equipment, is that no matter their age or condition they still have residual value. That value is determined by geography, availability, revision, condition, and functionality.
In general, as any equipment comes to its useful life for one business or operation, it becomes growth or expansion opportunity for another market period so begins another life cycle in the secondary market or business opportunity.
This life cycle continues, provided it can be reused, refurbished, resold, or redeployed.
These options can be very useful opportunities for the primary buyer as well period these offset equipment depreciation, fund in whole, or in part new equipment purchases, or be used as capital towards other ventures.
At VH Techworks, it is our business to look at the opportunities within the entire life cycle and connect the business need to the equipment opportunity. We do this for the varied equipment in the market period. This aids to garner the highest value for our customers and clients, no matter where in the world that may be.
In addition, we provide the operational expertise and processes to test, clean, audit, and refurbish that equipment to make it market ready.